Saturday 18 August 2012

Tips for optimizing Google Drive

Although many of us were accustomed to working in the cloud that was fantastic suite Google Docs, we had to get used to this new form of cloud storage that Google Drive. We struggled, but finally we can see some of the benefits of this change. Other formats in which to work, the options of furniture derived from efficient applications available for different devices, and the ability to create encrypted files, among other things, are some of the main attractions.
If we had used Google Docs, then move on to drive does not seem too dramatic. However, ultimately the final experience is different. To really get everything possible stimulus juices, then we have to download some specific applications and officers to help us make this cloud computing system a substitute for part of the software you use every day.
I list, before giving some of the tricks that can help us in our drive-intensive (especially for editing documents), some of the basic characteristics with which Google has this product:
  • Ability to access any part: of course, being a storage service in the cloud, you can access from anywhere using our identification Google.
  • Client devices: in addition to access on-line on our behalf, we can also download the client drive for Windows, Mac, iPhone OS and Android.
  • Formats: Google Docs editing gave us the basic formats like doc and xls, but we drive a wider range of extensions work with, as a diagram editor, Pixlr, WeVideo, and others. This is in line with the intentions of turning into a storage service Google Drive.
  • Access and edit files offline: there is no need to stay connected to access Google Drive. Enabling offline access capabilities, we can do our work without an internet connection. This is done through Docs offline, to be activated through the menu options of unity.
It ‘s listed on these benefits, we’re going to count on five tricks that we have learned to use the unit maximum. Of course, there is a perfect application, has its difficulties, but to edit documents from anywhere and give an example, company profiles stored in the cloud, is the ideal choice.

Send units to Google

One of the known functions of the menu on the right is the Windows “Send To”. With the implementation of Google Drive in Windows, we can make a particular file is sent to Google Drive right-clicking on it and choosing Drive.


Although many people are against the storage of important documents in the cloud, Google Driveoffers the possibility to increase the security of encrypted files. The way is through a password, so, if your account is compromised or may not be able to access certain files. The encrypted data can not be displayed by Google, either.

Empty files from the desktop

Although we can only see how many files are stored in the Trash folder through the desktop application (for example, we can not delete them directly) is a good way of knowing how useless it is the space we are using. In this way, we can monitor the use of our space to delete unnecessary files.

Retrieve old versions

This is one of the most interesting. One of the most detestable of Docs text editor is the way it automatically saves the changes you might not want to. Something that does not happen, for example, with Word. However, we can drive back to previous versions of files in a period of 30 days, or at least 100 revisions in the archives. This can be achieved through the menu on the right of each file in the web version of Drive, where you should click on “Manage Reviews”.

Specific applications

One of the fundamental purposes of the change to Drive is the possibility of improving the user experience through specific applications, which we mentioned when speaking of extensions and file types allowed in the Drive. If you did not know, now is a good time to visit the Chrome Web Store and enter the category of applications for the unity of Google, where you can install specific applications that can be edited and stored directly to disk, files of all the various types in nature. Thus, Drive is a way to centralize a number of Web services that definitely used before, but independently.

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